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Friday, 1 April 2016

How to become efficient programmer

Every single programmer wants to become a better programmer, but everyone does not stand at a chance to succeed in it. Apart from the natural talent a person needs to do a lot of hard work and knowledge in order to become a better programmer. Read on to know a few tips that can help you to become a better programmer:
·         Focus on Coding
You must be aware of the fact that coding is a bit difficult and it is a very important part of programming. By doing coding you get a chance to figure out your weak points and this enables you to improve your skills to a great extent.

·         Read as much as you can
Experts from Gleam Technologies say that coding is easier said than done, and there is a vast difference between good code and bad code, but with incomplete knowledge you cannot understand the difference. Therefore it is really important to increase your knowledge regarding this particular aspect of programming by reading as much as you can. You can get ample of knowledge about it thorough internet and books.

·         Contributing to Open Source, Signing-up mailing lists
Contributing on the Open source code, especially from Apache, Google, and some other projects is one more method to advance your programming skills and become a better programmer. Just by signing their mailing list and following the discussions on their portals would help you to gain a lot of knowledge.  You can also ask your doubts and questions during those online discussions!

·         Talk to fellow programmers
If you get stuck in a tricky situation then talking and discussing with a fellow programmer, would often help to find a better solution to your problems. Therefore, always be open to discussions and communicate freely with the fellow programmers.

Friday, 25 March 2016

A bit of carefulness you can ensure the safety of your mobile apps

In this generation of smart phones, mobile apps have become an integral part of our lives. We have become so much dependent on these apps that it would be hard to imagine a life without these facilities. However, some people feel concerned about the safety and security of their data while using these apps. Experts from Gleam Technologies say that with a bit of carefulness you can ensure the safety of your mobile apps. Read on to know more:
·         Source Code Encryption
Mobile malware frequently taps bugs and susceptibilities within the design and source code of the mobile application. Latest reports suggest that malicious code contaminates more than 12 million mobile devices at any given time, and the most common way attackers do it is by repackaging popular apps into "rogue apps" and publishing the same. This is the reason why you need to encrypt you source code.
·         Make Provisions for Data Security
When a mobile application accesses some confidential data, then unstructured information generally gets stored within the device storage. Mobile data encryption can be effectively used to secure the data in a sandbox, and can this can be done by using SQLite Database Encryption Modules or by offering file-level encryption across multiple Operating systems.
·         Secure the Data-in-transit
Important information needs to be sheltered in order to ensure zero privacy leaks and data theft. Developers can make sure that user data remains thoroughly protected by employing support for VPN or SSL tunnels, thereby protecting data from being leaked.
·         Avoid Unintentional Data Leakage

When a user interacts with your app, they agree to certain permissions, which allow brands and businesses, and even you to glean crucial personal customer information. By properly implementing advertising and using secure analytics providers, you can ensure that your user data never gets unintentionally leaked to hackers or malicious business vendors.